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Privacy & Cookies Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to BinarBase! Turn your raw DATA into meaningful INSIGHTS.

System BinarBase is a unique platform which enables uploading data from various sources, processing the data with artificial intelligence and gives you meaningful analytical results. Without coding. Just like that!

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform our potential clients, our clients and their representatives (mainly employees and members of statutory bodies) about use of their Personal Data which will be collected and processed as a result of conclusion and performing a contract on use of our analytical services within the BinarBase system. By using the data, we mean any set of operations that are performed on the Personal Data, such as collection, processing, organization, storage, etc.

This Privacy Policy explains to you what data is being used, how, for how long, and what your rights are.

Note: This Privacy Policy does not include information on how we process the data you entrust us with uploading to our system when using our analytical services and with which the analytical operations you ordered are performed, as such data we process on your behalf as your data processor. Please, be assured that all guarantees regarding safety and security of the data processed by us apply to the same extent as described in this document. All other aspects of processing such data by us being your processor are included in our Terms & Conditions.

Ready? Here it goes!

Who processes your data?

Your personal data, i.e. data of our clients including potential clients and their representatives is processed by our company, thus being the controller:

BinarBase, s.r.o.

Staré Grunty 18

841 04 Karlova Ves

Bratislava, the Slovak Republic ID No.: 54 524 997

Registered in the Commercial Register held by the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, File No.: 160923/B

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us via a contact form available at

What data and on what legal grounds are processed?

We use only ordinary data such as name, surname, ID No., registration in the commercial or other register, working position, e-mail, telephone number, etc., that could be used to identify you or your representatives (“Personal Data”). We also may use statistical data regarding usage of our services.

We do not process special categories of Personal Data (e.g. health data, data on your political views, etc.).

We process Personal Data for the following purposes:

a) Negotiation, conclusion, and performance of contract

By accepting our Terms & Conditions or by entering into a separate contract with us we are obliged to provide you with the ordered analytical services which are defined in detail in the Terms & Conditions (or the separate contract).

We process personal data for due performance of our contractual duties towards our clients and necessary communication regarding that, e.g. about software updates, potential necessary system downtime, your feedback to the services used, bug fixes, changes in Privacy Policy or Terms & Conditions, as well as for responding to your requests for assistance or support via e-mail or phone, communication about termination of the contract, etc.

Provision of the Personal Data is a requirement for conclusion and performance of our contract. We gather such Personal Data from you or your company being our client.

b) Compliance and fulfilment of our legal duties

Our company is obliged to perform legal duties imposed on us by the applicable laws, e.g. duties relating to accounting and tax purposes, archiving and other legal duties to which we are subject.

Providing and processing of such personal data is therefore a legal requirement.

c) Our legitimate interest on processing data

We also process the Personal Data in necessary extent based on the following legitimate interests of our company:

● To communicate with you (your company) being our client via e-mail about offers for Subscription services, special offers, benefits, discounts, and interesting marketing activities in a form of a newsletter or irregular e-mail announcements. You may opt out of such e-mail communication at the moment of provision of your e-mail address to us upon your registration and any time later by clicking the “unsubscribe” link found in each such e-mail or by contacting us via e-mail or telephone call announced to you during our business cooperation.

● To secure data and system security and avoid misuse of our services. For this purpose we may gather data tracked by our website or system while using the BinarBase features, such as frequency of use, engagement with particular features, common use patterns, etc., and devices data which may include information specific to your computer device (IP address, browser type, browser settings, browser configuration, language preferences).

● To improve the BinarBase system. Your data on how you use our BinarBase system and services in necessary extent (always in an anonymized or pseudonymised form, of course) is analyzed and used to help us understand and improve the efficiency of certain BinarBase features. Based on such improvements BinarBase system can then better serve evolving needs of our customers, including yourself or your company. The data is gathered by our website or system.

● To protect our rights or interests or enforce our claims if such necessity comes out (e.g. when our invoices are not paid or our systems were compromised or we need to enforce our right to damages, etc.).

You as a data subject (an entrepreneur or representative of a company) have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data based on our legitimate interest. Please, use a contact form available at

d) Consent with processing of Personal Data

If you are not our client but you are interested in our services, you may subscribe to our newsletter we send via e-mail. If you do so, we’ll be processing your necessary contact data for delivering the newsletter. If you are our client, the newsletter will be sent to your e-mail address based on our legitimate interest (for more information, please, see the section under letter c) above)

e) Consent with processing of data gathered through cookies

When you visit BinarBase website, we may process some of your data in necessary extent based on your consent with storing and using cookies for analytical and statistical purposes exclusively if you give us your consent, unless we use strictly necessary (technical) cookies. Such data are anonymous and help us understand how visitors of our website interact with the website. Cookies are files with a small amount of data stored on your computer used as anonymous unique identifiers. Detailed information on how we use cookies are described in our Cookies Policy in this document.

How long do we process Personal Data?

We always process your data for a period necessary for the purpose of the processing:

(i) for negotiation, conclusion and performance of the contract we process data only until the contract is terminated. The Client account together with its content will be fully deleted if not renewed within 30 days as of termination of the contract.

(ii) for compliance with our legal duties for periods of time as stated in accordance with applicable law (for example 10 years under accounting laws)

(iii) for purposes based on our legitimate interest, your Personal Data is processed only for the duration of our legitimate interest which we continuously monitor and stop processing the data at the moment it is no longer necessary for the given purpose or when you successfully raise an objection against such processing. If you raise an objection or unsubscribe from our newsletter, the processing will be stopped immediately, and your data will be erased from the newsletter database. In case of processing your data for protection or enforcement of our rights and interests, your data are processed for a limitation period stated by law within which we are entitled to protect or obliged to enforce our rights. For security reasons we process your data for maximum of 6 months or until the capacity of the dedicated memory is full.

(iv) for the purpose of sending newsletter based on your consent – until your consent is revoked or the processing is no longer necessary.

With whom do we share your data?

We may share your Personal Data with third parties only when such third parties provide us with necessary services without which we cannot operate our company, BinarBase system or fulfil our legal duties.

Such entities may perform certain processing activities with your personal data (e.g. accountants, tax advisors, software developers or support guys) on our behalf as our data processors only to the extent necessary to allow them to perform their services to us.

Among our processors are most trusted service providers. For example, our providers of hosting services' terms and conditions and privacy policy are available here:

● Digital Ocean:

● Contabo GmbH:

● Google Cloud:

Your Personal Data and data you entrust us with when using our analytical services are in good hands.

We always make sure of that.

Apart from that, we may also provide necessary data to public authorities or other entities if we are bound to do so by applicable law.

Do we send your data outside the EU/EEA?

The answer is simple: No. We do not willingly send your Personal Data outside the EU/EEA.

All our servers where your Personal Data is stored, are located exclusively within the EU and operated by our carefully chosen processors.

Other processors who provide us with various services, e.g. accounting, tax advisory, software development, are always chosen due to quality of their security guarantees as well.

How do we make your data safe?

Security is our highest priority. The BinarBase system has been designed with your data security and privacy in mind. Thus, we employ up-to-date technical, administrative and security measures.

What are your rights regarding your data?

In connection to the processing of your Personal Data or Personal Data of your representatives, you have the right:

● to have access to and a copy of your Personal Data

● to request rectification of any inaccurate Personal Data

● to obtain restriction of processing the Personal Data in cases stated by the GDPR

● to have your Personal Data erased if certain conditions under the GDPR are met

● to receive the Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to transmit those data to someone else if conditions set out by GDPR are met (right to data portability)

● to withdraw the consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal by contacting us about your consent withdrawal via contact form available at Regarding revoking your consent with using cookies please see our Cookie Policy.

● to object to the processing of your Personal Data based on our legitimate interest (or legitimate interest of the third party, if applicable)

● to lodge a complaint with a respective supervisory authority if you are of a view that your rights may have been infringed.

For the above purpose you may contact the Slovak Data Protection Authority:

Úrad na ochranu osobných údajov SR

Hraničná 12

820 07 Bratislava the Slovak Republic

Or you can also lodge your complaint with a respective supervisory authority in the EU Member State where you are usually resident, where you work or where the place where your rights are allegedly infringed is located.

Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small data file (various long strings of numbers and letters) that is stored in the web browser of a website user by the website platform visited. Cookies store and transmit information to the server of the web platform that the user (repeatedly) visits from that web browser/computer. A cookie may have a limited lifetime.

What types of cookies do we use?

Technical - cookies that we necessarily need for the proper functioning of our website and all its functionalities, i.e. for the search to work properly, so that you do not have to re-enter your data in forms, so that the website remembers your login to your account, etc.

Your consent is not required for the storage and use of technical cookies. You can disable the storage of cookies at any time in your web browser settings. However, if you disable the storage of cookies, most of the basic functionalities of our website will not function properly and it will not be possible for you to make proper use of our services available to you once you have logged into your account.

Analytical - these cookies help us to analyse traffic to our website and the interaction of users of our site with its content, and to improve our site so that you can get the best experience from it. We only use these cookies if you give us permission (consent) to do so.

It cannot be ruled out that some of the information obtained from cookies could potentially be linked to users' personal data if the user is registered on our BinarBase platform and is logged into their account. However, we do not make these links.

How long do we use cookies?

1. Session cookies

Session cookies (temporary cookies) only exist in temporary memory for as long as the user is on the website. Web browsers usually delete session cookies when the user closes the web browser. Unlike other cookies, temporary cookies do not have a set expiry date, which is the basis for the browser to recognise that they are session cookies.

2. Permanent cookies

Unlike expiration after closing the web browser - as in the case of temporary cookies - a persistent cookie expires on a specific date or after a specific period of time. This means that for the entire validity period, the cookie will transmit information to the server each time you visit the website.

If you have any questions, please contact us at any time via a contact form available at

What else is important?

We may need to update this Privacy Policy from time to time to keep pace with changes in our system or secure legal compliance. We will notify you of any changes by posting the updated Privacy Policy on our website In case of material changes we will notify you also via email. By your continued use of BinarBase services after the notified changes you agree with the updated Privacy Policy as a whole.

This Privacy Policy is always available on our website

Updated on 20 November 2022

Update cookies preferences